Welcome to my world I try to approach each painting with a minimum of information and I look at the world with the natural curiosity. Showing how skillful I am is not important, in fact it gets in the way. I believe in the ability to take risks, and with that in mind, I am willing to risk all the time I paint. The most exiting paintings for me are the ones that have a bold, fresh approach and at the same time show the sensitive of the heart and mind. I don’t have any formula, but I am always searching because I am far more interested in what I can learn today than what I accomplished yesterday. I paint intuitively, loos, free and spontaneously not only because it satisfies me but it also allows the viewer to get involve visually and emotionally in the painting. I’m experimenting continuously with new materials and allowing something to happen, something that had not been happening before, that did not already exist. Dani
Born in Tirana, Albania in 1952. Completed the studies and graduated at the school of fine art in Tirana Albania. 1972 - 1976 work as art teacher. 1980 - Screen painter for the Albania Film Studio Company. 1983 - Group exhibition at Albania’s National Museum. 1984 - Group exhibition at Tirana Cultural Center. 1991 - Left Albania for Hungary, Austria, and Germany where had displayed his art works in several galleries. 1993 - Immigrated to the United States. 2000 - Group exhibition, Michigan Fine Art Competition at BBAC 2002 - Group exhibition, Michigan Fine Art Competition at BBAC 2005 - Group exhibition at Park West Gallery in Michigan Dani found a loyal collector base throughout the United States